Mental Health Awareness Week

LIS celebrated Mental Health Awareness Week between 6th and 10th March 2023. We took the opportunity to engage in simple and very fun activities that promote mental health. On mindfulness Monday, students were taught coping skills to take care of their mental health, decrease stress and relax. They were engaged in coloring mindful mandalas, breathing exercises and precising positive affirmations.
On Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) Tuesday, each student and staff completed an act of kindness using the RAK tag cards. On Wonder Woman Wednesday, students wrote thank you notes and gave a flower to the female staff to celebrate the women’s day.
Hats on for mental health Thursday, everyone wore their favorite hat to school and engaged in conversations focused on understanding mental health and the importance of removing the stigma associated with mental illness.
On Fri-yay fun Friday, everyone dressed up in their fanciest but decent casual wear, and engaged in fun activities such as crotchet, music, dance, brain boosters and curious challenges to increase their energy levels, better focus, feeling better about their body image and overall mental health.
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