LIS Primary Dress Up

Dressing up in costumes is an important play that every child needs to experience. They seek it out naturally or unknowingly. It has profound benefits. Two of these benefits are, It fosters imagination and lets children explore themselves. It enhances communication skills.
LIS primary had such an occasion, and the excitement that filled the air needed not to be explained. Everyone’s eyes popped out in awe of the fantastic ideas and varied costumes. Year ones took us through the fairy and superheroes world. Year 2s emulated the Kings and Queens Of England. Year 3s Pirated Into The Sea. Year 4s represented the country, Kenya. Year 5s travelled to Maasai land and year 6s were the cowboys of the day. We had parents grace the occasion as they had played a humongous role in enhancing the beauty by making sure each child was costumed. The weather too favoured us as the sun shone so brightly to profound the dynamics. The entire school had a fantastic day.